Halloween (Rob Zombie's), Michael Myers Hero bloody Coveral

original movie costume

From Rob Zombie's chilling 2007 remake of "Halloween", these are monster Michael Myers' (Tyler Mane) hero screen worn iconic Coveralls. His Coveralls became progressively more dirty, bloody and "cut up" as the film progressed. These are "Condition #7", with a very muddy body, distressed material, holes, and "knife" blood stains, especially on the left chest and left shoulder. They come with a COA, and the orignal production wardrobe tag with a detailed hand-written description of the Coveralls written by the costume department. The coveralls were used in the production coded "Night 9". The Coveral has exact matchable blood and bullit holes along with knife holes on the left front that was caused in the battle in the bathroom area !!!

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Premiere Props (2219)
original (2217)  |  replica (2)
celebrity: Tyler Mane (53)
original (48)  |  replica (5)
movie: Halloween (Rob Zombie's) (2007)
original (135)  |  replica (56)
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