Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Major Kira's Pregnancy Uniform

original movie costume

A costume featured during Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for wear by Nana Visitor in her role as “Major Kira” during her pregnancy stint as a surrogate mother. The costume was distressed for the episode “Business as Usual” in which Kira appears ‘dead' in a dream sequence from the perspective of “Quark” (Armin Shimerman). It is a distressed 2-piece Bajoran military uniform comprised of rust colored trousers with an attached black sleeveless undershirt and a rust colored uniform top. The top features crisscross patterned sleeves and is distressed to depict an energy weapon wound in the right front shoulder. The costume features an attached Velcro placement for a Bajoran combadge and both garments feature sewn in tags reading ‘Nana Visitor’. The costumer’s tag reads ‘DS9 Kira, Nana Visitor, Maternity Bajoran Uniform : Distressed 2pc.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
movie: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV) (1993)
original (602)  |  replica (364)
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