Star Trek: The Next Generation, MARK VII Medical Tricorder Replica (Lights & Sounds) with Hand Scanner

replica movie prop

This is A Mark VII Medical Tricorder replica with Hand Scanner seen throughout the 4th-7th season of TNG.

This replica originally had no Sound and used A J-type battery. When opened it makes A ratchet sound and more than 30 LEDS come on in Sequence accurate to the ones on the show. Press the I key and the scanning sound comes on, press again and you here peeping as if commands are being keyed in, once more and the alert mode activates. The Hand Scanner Is Detachable with Green LEDS that blink around the outside and 1 red LED that blinks at the tip. The Scanner Is Machined Aluminum.

It runs on a Lithium Ion battery with its own charger. I have also had a magnet installed to keep the door closed. I believe that the body is Vacuum formed. I acquired this piece from A guy on the "A Site About Props" forum. The Sound and Lithium Ion battery Was added later by David Christian.
I have just updated my photos of my MKVII MED, Looks much better (12/16/07)

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV) (1987)
original (533)  |  replica (605)
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