Underworld: Blood Wars, Lycan Pre-Transformation Costume

original movie costume

This costume was actually worn by one of the few female lycans in Blood Wars, making this costume even more epic as 99% of all lycans in the Underworld series are male. So this one is definitely a lot more special.

Worn in the Var Dohr Nordic covern fight scenes and as a result has a bunch of fake snow over the coat which is making a giant mess lol. 

The costume includes; coat, shirt, corset, chest armour, gloves, pants and belt. Only coat and shirt on display at the moment until I get another female mannequin in. Absolutely beautiful costume. 



costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Premier Props (198)
movie: Underworld: Blood Wars (2016)
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