Leprechaun, Leprechaun's (Warwick Davis) Hat

original movie costume

"Where's ME gold? I NEED ME GOLD!” Screen-matched 12” x 11” x 5” Leprechaun hat worn by Warwick Davis in the 1993 horror-comedy Leprechaun, this iconic cult-movie wardrobe piece was custom-made with green and black velvet and a golden wood buckle. Remnants of the Leprechaun's facial appliance, makeup, and hair can be seen around the inside rim. This exact hat can be seen when the Leprechaun chases after and then snaps the neck of Deputy Tripet (David Permenter) in the woods by comparing the buckle's shape and markings.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Warwick Davis (17)
original (15)  |  replica (2)
movie: Leprechaun (1993)
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I'd pay 5000 dollars for this ? [by JacS ]
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