Blade Runner, Leon Kowalski COP 357 Pistol

replica movie prop weapon

Leon used this unique four-chamber derringer to put Holden in the hospital. For the film, an actual pistol was used, loaded with blanks and modified to fire two chambers simultaneously in order to create a more impressive blast. This weapon was subsequently also seen in several science fiction television series, including Stargate SG-1, Battlestar Galactica, and Smallville.


This is an authentic Compact Off-duty Police 357 pistol, manufactured by COP Inc. The smallest weapon ever chambered for a .357 magnum round, made of stainless steel and of solid design and construction, the COP 357 never caught on with law enforcements agencies, primarily due to it's heavy weight and it's long heavy trigger pull, both less than ideal for a back-up pistol. Also, although of smaller profile than a revolver, it is still wider and bulkier than a 2-shot derringer or a small automatic. Personally, I can fire .38 spl ammo through this all day, but even just a couple of .357 magnum rounds puts a serious hurt on the base of my thumb. The weapon is just too small for my hand and that round.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: prop weapons
movie: Blade Runner (1982)
original (20)  |  replica (234)
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