Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, Leatherface's Hero Working Chainsaw w/ Bloody Safety Blade

original movie prop

This is it!! Leatherfaces weapon of choice! This bloody screenused working chainsaw weighs nearly 15 lbs, and is still 3/4 full of gasoline and oil. This chainsaw was used during most of the shots where the chainsaw would be close to the actors during filming. The safety blade and the teeth are still covered in blood, and still have traces of hair and flesh from use during filming. This particular chainsaw was used during many of the bloodiest scenes of the film. It can be clearly identified and matched up in multiple scenes... including where Leatherface (Andrew Bryniarski) is about to cut into Eric (Matthew Bomer) with the chainsaw as Eric lies on the table. Another spot where this chainsaw can be positively matched is when leatherface chases Chrissie (Jordan Brewster) through the slaughterhouse and into the woods. It's also very visible in many of the special features of the film. Leathrface's Chainsaw is truly one of the greatest icons in horror movie history.
prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)
original (70)  |  replica (5)
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