Bloodrayne, Leather costume worn by Kristanna Loken in the video game based 2005 movie BloodRayne

original movie costume

Leather costume worn by Kristanna Loken in the video game based 2005 movie BloodRayne. Kristanna can be seen wearing this costume throughout the film. This costume was used in the finally when Rayne is being stabbed in the shoulder by Kagin (Ben Kingsley). The top has a puncture wound and fake blood on the shoulder. Costume consists of leather top, pants and full arm gauntlets.  COA from Hollywood History Online, and authenticated by owner and currator Wesley Cannon.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Hollywood History Online (8)
celebrity: Kristanna Loken (17)
original (10)  |  replica (7)
movie: Bloodrayne (2005)
original (3)  |  replica (1)
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