Batman Begins, League of Shadows gauntlets

original movie costume

Pretty excited about the arrival of these beauties.


This is a production made set of League of Shadows gauntlets from Batman Begins.


These are heavily featured in the sequence where Bruce is being trained by Ra's al Ghul and the League of Shadows.


Any Nolan Batman item is exceedingly hard to source these days and from what I've been told not many of these made it off set as most of them were destroyed at the end of the production.


Even cooler is that these gauntlets serve as the baseline for the gauntlets Bruce outfits for his first iteration of his suit in the film.


Although these look black they are actually a grey color in normal light and they are made of a very hard resin or plastic, not exactly sure.


They are beautifully crafted with wonderfully intricate details.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
movie: Batman Begins (2005)
original (45)  |  replica (86)
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