Batman Begins, League of Shadows Sword

original movie prop

A League of Shadows prop sword used in Christopher Nolan’s BATMAN BEGINS. After losing his parents in a tragic armed robbery, young billionaire Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) turns to a life of vigilantism and becomes the saviour of Gotham City, Batman.


This sword and others like it were used by the ninja warriors in the League of Shadows as they train in the League’s mountain headquarters, seen most prominently as Bruce Wayne is put to the test by Ducard (Liam Neeson). The prop katana is made of rubber with a square guard and cast-in wrap detailing. The sword is finished in black for the grip and guard, with faux-silver paint used for the blade.

The still from the film is just reference of the sword in the sequence in general and isn't these exact swords.

Displaying some minor wear to the paint finish from use and time spent in storage, the sword remains in very good condition.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Production Treasures (24)
movie: Batman Begins (2005)
original (45)  |  replica (86)
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