Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, Klingon Phaser

replica movie prop weapon

Taken from weapon stores aboard their stolen Bird of Prey, this smart looking piece is used by Chekov and Kirk, and also examined by a skeptical Naval Intelligence officer aboard the 20th century USS Enterprise. Not as commonly seen in use by the Klingons as the more brutish disruptor, this hand phaser has similarities to Starfleet phasers, including a stun setting.


Resin replica, painted and weathered. Scrolling bank of green LEDs on the display, activated by a small toggle switch. Red display LED, red emitter LED, and loud high-quality sound clip activated by depressing the white trigger.


By Eric Nagy (thatpropguy).



prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: prop weapons
movie: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986)
original (36)  |  replica (25)
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