Highlander III: The Sorcerer, Kane's Kabuto Helmet

original movie prop

Kane's warrior helmet - This warrior helmet was screen worn by Mario Van Peebles as "Kane". It can be seen in the beginning of the film when Kane and his warrior followers are riding through the frozen land, burn down the village and massacre the villagers while searching for the Mountain of Niri and the sorcerer Nakano. This black helmet is adorned with metal spikes, leather and hair. It has a rope chin strap and there is a soft cushion on the inside head area. Handwritten in gold marker on the underside is Role 1.
Christopher Lambert, Mario Van Peebles, Mako, Raoul Trujillo, Jean-Pierre Perusse all starred in this cult classic continuing series. This movie being one of the first movies that caught my eye using CGI and morphing film technology for the sorcerer played by Mako. The cool Katana wielding sorcerer had the power to shape shift. Unfortunately, so did Michael Jackson during the same time with his famous "Black and White" song.
prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
movie: Highlander III: The Sorcerer (1994)
original (5)  |  replica (5)
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