Alien, John Hurt's Space Suit

original movie costume

Title and photograph pretty much say it all. A truly stunning iconic costume. Confirmed by the original creator of the costumes to be totally unique as only one full suit was made for each character. The lights on the top and the back of the helmet still function. Took me 7 years to persuade the last owner to part with it and now is one of the center pieces of my collection.
costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1054)
original (1038)  |  replica (16)
celebrity: John Hurt (19)
original (11)  |  replica (8)
movie: Alien (1979)
original (28)  |  replica (98)
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It's a geat piece of history!! Beautiful piece. Congrats :-D [by sylo27 ]
What can a person say...the best costume of all time,without a doubt. [by Gingersnaps ]
What an amazing prop piece to have! [by Props07 ]
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