24, Jack Bauer's Day 1 CTU Id Tag

original movie prop

This original CTU Id tag was created by the FOX prop department and utilized by Kiefer Sutherland, while portraying the iconic action hero "Jack Bauer" in season 1 of the hit FOX drama "24". This original Jack Bauer Id tag from Day 1 is extremely rare and only one other identical version was ever sold to the public over the years. I acquired this rare prop directly from Max Delgado who was a longtime crew member on the series. He was lucky enough to acquire it directly from the property master on set. His main crew title was "set driver", but he also had an interesting and brief acting scene in Day 2 as a ambulance driver. This early piece of "24" history is verified as "original" by a personal photo of Max wearing his old crew shirt and holding up the Bauer CTU Id tag, that he was gracious enough to send me.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Production Crew (2)
original (1)  |  replica (1)
celebrity: Kiefer Sutherland (70)
original (60)  |  replica (10)
movie: 24 (TV) (2001)
original (238)  |  replica (40)
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