Star Wars: A New Hope, Imperial Stormtrooper Grappling Hook & Line Box

replica movie prop

A compact grappling hook with a belt box of retractable line, this device is only seen worn and in use by Luke Skywalker in disguise as he attempts to rescue the Princess aboard the first Death Star, and by the hapless trooper from whom he had earlier taken the armor.


Spring-loaded machined aluminum and brass replica grappling hook, with vacuform plastic belt box, aluminum belt clips, line, and non-functional toggle switch (which should probably read 'on' and 'off' in Aurebesh rather than English.)


Grappling hook by RB Replicas.  Creator of the line box not identified.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Star Wars: A New Hope (1977)
original (112)  |  replica (678)
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