300, Frank Miller's, Immortal facial appliance

original make-up / prosthetics

This is an immortal facial appliance used in the 2006 Gerard Butler action film 300 when a spartan knocks off the mask and unveil\'s the face. This item can be seen toward the end of the film when Xerxes sends his elite guards, The Immortals, to battle the Spartans. This item is made of foam latex and is expertly crafted to resemble the mutated face of one of the Immortal soldiers; complete with numerous freckle, wrinkles, and tattoos making the piece extremely lifelike. The piece measures approximately 9” x 6” (23cm x 15cm) and has slight wear and tear around the nose and eyes but is in good condition.

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item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: make-up / prosthetics
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1055)
original (1039)  |  replica (16)
movie: 300, Frank Miller's (2006)
original (47)  |  replica (21)
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