Hollow Man, Hollow Man burned silicon cowl mask

original movie prop

This is Sebastian Caine’s (Kevin Bacon) burn style mask created for the production of the 2000 Paul Verhoeven invisible-man thriller Hollow Man. When an experiment goes horribly awry and scientist Caine (Bacon) becomes permanently invisible, he becomes insane and turns evil. In the climactic scene he is very badly burned.

The mask is made of silicone and was created to resemble the unburned mask worn by Caine earlier in the film, only with burn and char marks throughout. The eyes, mouth, several holes on top of the head feature black silicone which resembles another layer underneath, but is actually one with the rest of the mask.

This recognizable piece comes on a foam bust and measures approximately 17" x 19” (43cm x 48cm). The mask is in very good condition with some light wear from production use.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
celebrity: Kevin Bacon (22)
original (21)  |  replica (1)
movie: Hollow Man (2001)
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