Harry Potter movies, Hogwarts acceptance letter
replica movie prop
I made this replica carefully copying all the details. The handwriting and McGonagall's signature are like the ones on the original prop, and the stamp on the wax seal was especially made with the same crest of the original prop.
There are four versions of the letter: one which is only the envelope and the wax seal is printed on it (used in the scene where the Dursleys' house was filled with letters); another one which is composed only with the two-page letter, typewritten instead of handwritten(used in the Diagon Alley scene); and the other two have the envelope sealed with real wax seal and the two-page letter inside. These last two vary only in the calligraphy, and I chose to replicate the one shown in the scene where Harry first reads the invitation, handed to him directly by Hagrid.
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OMG, so amazing! what font did you use for this??
[by Contortionist
I am sorry, but I haven't got the time to make any more replicas of these letters.
[by LCM
If I payed you would you make me one and mail me one?
It's honestly all I want for Christmas.
[by Carcarlina
The wax seals were created with real sealing wax. I had the stamper made with the same Hogwarts crest that the letters in the movie have.
[by LCM
Im planning on making some of these and i was wondering how you created the wax seals?
[by billywhiz2408
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