Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Hadhafang

replica movie prop weapon

This is Arwens sword Hadhafang.

Hadhafang was wielded by Elrond during the battle between the Last Alliance of Elves and Men and the forces of the Dark Lord Sauron on the slopes of Mount Doom.

The blade is inscribed with Cirth runes in Sindarin that say "Aen estar Hadhafang i chathol hen, thand arod dan i thang an i arwen.", which translates to "This blade is called Hadhafang, a noble defense against the enemy throng for a noble lady."

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: prop weapons
celebrity: Liv Tyler (19)
original (3)  |  replica (16)
movie: Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
original (13)  |  replica (222)
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