Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Grand Nagus Plegg's Desiccated Ferengi Remains

replica movie prop

This is a container of The Grand Nagus Plegg's remains from the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series season two episode "The Alternate". Quark can be seen trying to sell the remains to another Ferengi when Constable Odo enters and thwarts the sale. According to Odo Nagus Plegg is alive and still kicking.


Apparently it is customary for Ferengi to sell the remains of a deceased Nagus. They were sold in sealed cansisters and considered to be collector's items. The Ferengi Seal of Dismemberment is a Ferengi mark of authentication that is affixed to the vacuum dessicated remains of Ferengi individuals.

The Seal serves as a certification for any disc of dessicated remains, providing a nominal guarantee that the remains in the disc are those of the Ferengi they purport to be. Because the remains of some Ferengi are prized as collectibles in that society the presence of the Seal can increase the value of the discs.


This replicas features hand cut decorative pieces with hand drawn Ferengi glyphs. It has been painted in screen accurate colors.


Built by myself.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV) (1993)
original (602)  |  replica (363)
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