Jaws, Fiberglass ORCA Fragment

original production material

5cm x 5cm red/brown fragment of the ORCA 2, the boat used for sinking in the end scenes.

It's mounted in a lasercut frame and came with a letter from Susan & Lynn Murphy, owners of the ORCA 2 which has been ripped by fans over the years. Lynn Murphy purchased the remains of the ORCA for 1 dollar after filming ended and the boat was taken to the property of the Murphy family. What was left of it after all these years of people taking pieces was sold off by Lynn and Susan to collectors.  

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: production material
coa issued by: Lynn C. Murphy & Susan B. Murphy (owner) (1)
movie: Jaws (1975)
original (50)  |  replica (60)
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