original movie prop

Featured in the "Never Sleep Again" The Elm Street Legacy Documentary. Here is the glove that started it all. Freddy Krueger's hero glove worn by Robert Englund, Jim Doyle, Leslie Hoffman and Mark Patton. This is a great find on the 25th anniversary of "A Nightmare on elm street". In the Horror prop industry this piece is considered to be the HOLY-GRAIL of any Nightmare on elm street item. It's like owning the Red Ruby slippers from "The Wizard of Oz". Unlike the slippers there was ONLY ONE metal glove made for Nightmare on elm street. This glove has been the most sought after prop in all the Nightmare series. This glove was used in the original "A Nightmare on elm street" as well as part 2 in which it was supposely stolen??? Hmmm. How did it appear in the trailer for part 3???? This glove was originally sold by Batia Grafka who worked on Nightmare's 3 and 5. This glove was given to Scott Nesselrode on the set of Nightmare 3 to use as a prototype glove for building the part 3 gloves. The leather glove is long gone but the armature is in great condition considering it's 25 years old. Index blade is broke and re-soldered. The blade broke before the filming of A Nightmare on elm street. A leather glove was included with the armature and has the name "CESAR" for "César Díez Álava" written on the bottom of the glove. Cesar also worked on Nightmares 3 and 5 in the prop department. This glove can be seen in many posters, magazines, books, t-shirts, playing cards, magnets and much much more.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
celebrity: Robert Englund (177)
original (65)  |  replica (112)
movie: A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
original (8)  |  replica (82)
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LOVE IT! [by propcollector12 ]
Dude, you are the luckiest guy ever. [by Joekerr84 ]
Cool Screen Used Glove :D nice piece to own :) [by The-Creeper ]
* registered yourprops.com members only
** The content of this listing is the sole responsibility of Gloveman. Yourprops.com, its owners, agents and assigns assume no liability.

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