Eyes Wide Shut, Eyes Wide Shut Mask (Tom Cruise)

replica movie prop

An authentic Venetian mask, as used by Tom Cruise in the movie. It was created by the same people that made the actual movie masks. Hand made from painted and lacquered paper.
prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Tom Cruise (117)
original (82)  |  replica (35)
movie: Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
original (4)  |  replica (9)
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You can find it for SALE here: www.propmoviestudios.com [by Sarednab ]
Yes, please answer us! [by thestudyinher ]
thestudyinher, I'm with you on the same page. Where can we purchase this carbon copy, exact version? All the other masks on numerous sites are just variations and don't even look like the one from the film. Where can we purchase this exact, carbon copy of the mask? [by Death Dealer ]
Can I ask where you found this mask? I have seen similar ones on other sites but they don't get it quite right. And this is exactly what I'm looking for. If you have any information please email me kawaiixaura@hotmail.com [by thestudyinher ]
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