Doctor Who, Eye of Orion Rock (The Five Doctors)

original set dressing / pieces

I DID NOT DEFACE A 100 YEAR OLD TOWER!!!!! June 25, 2019 was the day I visited various filming locations for classic WHO episodes. This piece of rock comes from Brondanw Tower which was the key location for the \"Eye of Orion\" setting. There were other people there as well but I\'m pretty sure they were not Whovians. They were just checking out the cool looking tower. One family had a young boy about 8 years old. He was trying to climb the tower at various points of their visit. I watched a couple of stones fall because of this kid. He was really digging his feet into the rocks. When the family left and I walked over and pick up the rocks. I tried placing them back into the wall but it just wasn\'t working. I honestly spent about 10 minutes trying to \"fix\" it but eventually stopped so as to not cause further damage. The person I was with said \"Looks like you have a cool souvenir\" so (giving in to peer pressure) I put the pieces into my backpack and brought them back to the states. The yellow circle shows the exact area where the rocks came loose.

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: set dressing / pieces
movie: Doctor Who (TV) (1963)
original (98)  |  replica (117)
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