Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning, Eric (Matthew Bomer) Cable Controlled Bloody Dead Body

original movie prop

This is the most gruesome and realistic movie pieces to come from Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning. This is a one of a kind Eric (Matt Bomer) cable controlled upper body. This is from one of the most intense and bloodiest scenes throughout the film. The body is of actual size, and has an incredible likeness to Matt Bomer. It weighs about 85 lbs and has full cable controls, which allowed his face and body to shake and move while Leatherface cuts across his torso with his chainsaw. Also on the body are Eric's perfectly screenmatched bloody shirt and undershirt tethered from where Leatherface slices him open. There are about 20 cables to control the various movements, including eyes, mouth, chin, neck ,etc. There is even a shaker motor inside for the head and body to quiver when the chainsaw enters his body.
prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
celebrity: Matthew Bomer (6)
original (5)  |  replica (1)
movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006)
original (70)  |  replica (5)
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WOW- awesome item!! [by HorrorFan88 ]
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