Dungeons & Dragons, Elwood's helmet~replica for my birthday!
made from scratch movie costume
This is a replica of the helmet for the character of Elwood Gutworthy from the 2000 Dungeons & Dragons movie. As you can see from my other listings, I have Elwood's costume, but not his helmet or his axe. I have been searching for a long time for these two items, but to no avail. Today is my birthday, and as I opened my brithday present I was overcome by three things: the sight of this long sought after helmet, the love of my wife Crystal and my close friend Brian Healy who made it for me, and the fumes from the paint as they had just finished it in the nick of time! LOL! Brian built the helmet from kydex plastic using molds available at his workplace. In some areas he needed to get creative; for instance, the plume holder is the neck of a bottle. He could not find any images of Elwood's left side that would reveal exactly what the helmet looks like where the horn is missing, so he imagined it would be the stump of a broken horn. Red horsehair was not readily available, so red yard was unraveled and steamed for the hair. Crystal painted the horn and added the fabric edge trim made from clothing found at the local Goodwill store. She dirtied everything down a bit and glued on the brown fur. Best Birthday Ever!
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