miscellaneous productions, Dr. Caligari

made from scratch production material

A 20 inch marionette of actor Werner Krauss, in his role of Dr. Calagari, for a yet unknown puppet production of THE CABINET OF DR. CALIGARI (1919), considered the first horror film. He is well costumed, fully articulated, a good likeness, and sourced from a Dutch museum collection, which means he did not travel far from home, as the film is German. Krauss, a controversial figure, was a master of disguise and is unrecognizable in many of his roles - including this one. He is often referred to as the German Man Of A Thousand Faces.

item: collector:
category: made from scratch
type: production material
celebrity: Werner Krauss (1)
movie: miscellaneous productions
original (92)  |  replica (97)
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