Twister, Dorothy Sensor

original movie prop

Storm chasers Bill Harding and soon-to-be ex-wife Jo Harding engineer a plan to launch hundreds of data sensor/transmitters up into the funnel of a tornado, but to do so, they have to plant a 'Dorothy' instrument package right in a big one's path.


Hero sensor ball, consisting of clear and silvered acrylic hemispheres fastened by a metal bolt, encasing a printed circuit with flashing red and green status lights, with attached thin rubber whip 'antenna'. Illumination is toggled on and off by slightly twisting the top hemisphere. 


From ScreenUsed.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
celebrity: Bill Paxton (7)
original (3)  |  replica (4)
movie: Twister (1996)
original (11)  |  replica (3)
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