Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World, Dinosaur foot & leg study maquette

original production material

(Universal, 1997) This 1:16 scale study maquette was custom-made for the production of the film. It was intended to be used as a study model for the movements of a dinosaur leg and foot. It is a small scale mechanical device mounted on a 9" x 9" x .25" inch black Plexiglas base and measures approximately 10 inches in height. The leg can be positioned by hand to mimic various real life movements and motions with particular foot positions. White label on the base reads, "Insert Leg Lost World 1:16."

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: production material
movie: Jurassic Park 2: The Lost World (1997)
original (22)  |  replica (16)
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