Star Trek: The Next Generation, Data's Painting of Spot

replica movie prop

After being outbid on the original painting at auction (it went for $7k!), I decided a replica was the next best thing. This is a replica of Data's painting of Spot, his cat. The original painting was created in the style of Pablo Picasso by TNG/VOY scenic art illustrator Wendy Drapanas. The original was an art department-made digital print on canvas with hand-applied overpaint texture. This replica is a traditional oil-on-canvas painting measuring the exact same size as the original: 14" x 20".

The original Picasso-esque rendering of Spot was seen in the TNG episode "Inheritance" (s7e10) and subsequently as set dressing in Generations. It was also displayed in Data's ready room during his command of the Enterprise-E in the Countdown series.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Brent Spiner (21)
original (13)  |  replica (8)
movie: Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV) (1987)
original (533)  |  replica (605)
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