Star Trek: The Next Generation, Data's Head

replica make-up / prosthetics

This is a fan-made replica of Data's head, and is an original sculpt done by a very skilled artist. Comprised of roto-cast resin, it has been primered with a white wash applied. Awaiting application of the correct skin tone, cosmetic contacts and shaped wig to match Data's hairstyle. I eventually plan to install custom electronics (in all three access ports) that will replicate the blinking pattern seen on screen.

item: collector:
category: other replicas
type: make-up / prosthetics
movie: Star Trek: The Next Generation (TV) (1987)
original (533)  |  replica (606)
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I have a copy of this and did all the make-up, eye and even made my own wig for it! Already have the electronics, just need to put them in. [by Vintagecloak ]
Very cool..I have a life mask in my collection too. It is a Jesse Ventura life cast. [by sylo27 ]
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