Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Damaged Terminator T-800 CPU Chip (Andyana Jones)

replica movie prop

When John and the Terminator arrive, they inform Dyson of the consequences of his research. They convince him that they must destroy everything related to his chip design, including the CPU and arm from the previous Terminator. Sarah, John, the Terminator, and Dyson break into the Cyberdyne building and retrieve the parts from the first Terminator.
The CPU was cast and modeled of one of the original pieces. Made with an special zink alloy to match perfectly the feel and weight of an futuristic knowledge. I made several versions of the CPU, including one finished with several acrylics to fit the one in the movie. Andyana Jones
prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Arnold Schwarzenegger (507)
original (318)  |  replica (189)
movie: Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
original (115)  |  replica (256)
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