Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, DS9 - Cardassian Optolythic Data Rod

replica movie prop

Description: -Blue Optolythic Rod Shown Above -
From - DS9 Episode "In The Pale Moonlight" - by Virtuquest
An optolythic data rod is Cardassian technology that is used to store information and records. These data rods are unique in that they are only produced on an as-needed basis, and information can only be inscribed on them once and cannot be altered thereafter.

These Optolythic Data Rods are constructed of translucent blue colored extruded acrylic plastic,
measure 1/2 inch diameter and are approx. 3 1/2 inch in length.
They are decorated with colored chrome tape - Silver.


prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (TV) (1993)
original (602)  |  replica (364)
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