original movie prop weapon

This prop "Sentox" nerve gas canister with detonator was screen-used during DAY 5 of the thrilling television series "24", starring Kiefer Sutherland.  The prop was custom made by the 24 propmaster and features very realistic looking wiring and detonator attached to the canister.   The canister is made out of aluminum and was painted black for screen use.  The canister also features black "Sentox" gas sticker emblems on the side and top of the canister.  This nerve gas prop was the primary weapon used by the Dawn Brigade terrorists during Day 5 of 24.  The terrorists unleashed these gas canisters inside a shopping mall, a hospital, and even inside CTU headquarters which shockingly killed the beloved character Edgar Stiles.  Day 5 of 24 took home all the major Emmy awards and took place at the very height of the show's popularity.   This Sentox gas prop is complete and comes with a COA certfied by the world renowned "Propstore Of London".

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: prop weapons
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1055)
original (1039)  |  replica (16)
movie: 24 (TV) (2001)
original (238)  |  replica (40)
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