Blade Runner, Custom Blade Runner Blaster

replica movie prop weapon

This was part of an ebay buy from japan. I got this busted up blaster along with a Marco, and two more accurate solid resin blasters. They were all VERY raw and broken (poorly packaged) when they got to me. I built the accurate ones and the marco right away, they were the first solid resin kits I ever built actually, but this one sat for a LONG time. About 4 months ago I finally sat down with it and now I'm nearly done. Lots of hand cut and bent aluminum here. She still needs some odds and ends and some LEDS to be complete.
Here is a shot of the custom blaster in progress.
prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: prop weapons
movie: Blade Runner (1982)
original (22)  |  replica (232)
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