X-Men, Costume Patch COA Display Prop

swatch / fragment movie costume

This X-Men logo costume decal was made for the first film and is an unused back-up. During filming, these logos were removed and replaced with new ones as they were damaged. This sticker measures about 2" across, comes custom framed in a laser cut mount board with the movie logo, and one movie still. The display measures 38cm x 30cm (15" x 12").  The sticker is yellow and was used for Wolverine´s outfit, Storm has blue stickers and Cyclops had red stickers.  Comes with a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) from Screenused.

costume: collector:
category: swatches / fragments
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Hugh Jackman (104)
original (77)  |  replica (27)
movie: X-Men (2000)
original (18)  |  replica (17)
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Sorry, I can't give you the exact measurements for the patch at the present time. It's not that I don't want to but this item is in storage and I won't be able to get to it for a while, more like till the first of the year. [by logan12_3 ]
Do you know the exact diameter of the sticker? Is. It 2" or 1.5"? [by StormFan ]
PM sent... [by StormFan ]
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** The content of this listing is the sole responsibility of logan12_3. Yourprops.com, its owners, agents and assigns assume no liability.

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