Terminator Salvation, Complete screenused Marcus Wright Costume Display

original movie costume

A full Terminator costume worn by Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington) in McG’s sci-fi sequel Terminator Salvation. This complete outfit was worn during the film’s action-packed climax. The outfit consists of a blue-screen bodysuit with CGI reference dots, a simulated metal Endoskeleton chest piece, a bloodied right leg, a severely torn black t-shirt, a heavily distressed and charred black motorcycle jacket, ripped and bullet ridden trousers and a pair of black boots. All the distressing and damage was deliberately done by the costume department for the post-napalm sequences. Also included are colour photocopies of 20 costumier’s photos showing the actor wearing this exact costume on set, as well as a print of a heavily annotated costume continuity page and four costumier’s labels indicating the costume's use by the character Marcus Wright (Sam Worthington). The costume is presented on a custom-made display mannequin. Dimensions: 48 cm x 60 cm x 170 cm (19" x 24" x 67") Certificate of Authenticity This item comes with a Prop Store Certificate of Authenticity.
costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Propstore of London (1055)
original (1039)  |  replica (16)
celebrity: Sam Worthington (8)
original (7)  |  replica (1)
movie: Terminator Salvation (2009)
original (60)  |  replica (24)
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