The Amazing Spider-Man, Complete Subway costume

original movie costume

This outfit was acquired by the production for use by Andrew Garfield’s stunt man as “Peter Parker” as he discovers his new powers on the subway train.

The outfit consists of a green jacket, thermal shirt, a short sleeve black t-shirt with “Einstein” graphic on the chest, a pair of black denim pants, a pair of custom colorway Nike sneakers (marked \"AG\") and a blue belt.

Included with the outfit is a production used costume tag that details the entire outfit, change and scene numbers used.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: Icons of Pop Culture (182)
celebrity: Andrew Garfield (8)
original (5)  |  replica (3)
movie: The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)
original (7)  |  replica (2)
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