Star Trek: Nemesis, Chateau Picard Wine Bottle

replica movie prop

The command staff of the Enterprise drink a toast to their fallen comrade Data with glasses of Chateau Picard 2267. Quite an amazing wine, to still be perfectly drinkable in 2379, 112 years later.


Another puzzle: The bottle shape and label details indicate that the wine must be a Bordeaux. And yet La Barre, home of Chateau Picard, is on the opposite side of France. The phrase Grand Cruclassi En 2267 may provide the answer; it suggests that French wine regions were finally redrawn that very year, replacing the 1855 Medoc Classification (Les Grands Crus classés en 1855) still in effect in the 21st century. If true, it would make this a very special wine.


Of note: The Chateau Picard of later vintages, as seen in several TNG episodes, bears a very different, more fanciful, more traditional label.


Artisan not identified.

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
movie: Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
original (82)  |  replica (89)
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