Charmed, Charmed, Belthazor BOS page

original movie prop

This is the back-up page  of one of the  Belthazor page from the Charmed Ones' Book of Shadows " that the witches reference in every episode to help guide them. It is a 10.5" x 13" cream colored paper that has the appearance of being aged. This page was used in the Book of Shadows as filler and/or to protect the real page from harm. I bought it from ScreenUsed.


It's not for sale, but would accept exchange it for another prop of charmed.


































prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: (522)
celebrity: Julian McMahon (13)
movie: Charmed (TV) (1998)
original (91)  |  replica (6)
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