Xena: Warrior Princess, Centaur style retractable metal sword

original movie prop weapon

This is a screenused centaur sword style. These swords were used mostly by centaurs during the series, also seen in the episode Death in chains used by Toxeus (played by Chris Graham) to fight against Xena and kill his men. Im quite sure that this sword was used in that episode because we can see how Toxeus kill his men with it in some close-ups, thats why they used a retractable hero metal sword. Also, I realized that the round emblem in the pommel was also used in Xenas whip, this kind of emblems were used in many props and costumes during the tv series.

prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: prop weapons
coa issued by: Turners Auction (29)
celebrity: Lucy Lawless (310)
original (242)  |  replica (68)
movie: Xena: Warrior Princess (TV) (1995)
original (825)  |  replica (146)
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