Fury, Cast & Crew Gift Bear

original film-crew items

A toy teddy bear from the production of the American WW2 tanker movie Fury. This cuddly toy and others like it were given to crew members working on the production. The cute bear, made by the company Mumbles, has the production logo on the front and the text Fury “Cast And Crew 2013” screen printed on the reverse.


Prop Store of London wrote: "We couldn’t resist this one. You wouldn’t expect this one to be the gift from a drama about the rigours of war and male bonding, but here we are. And no, someone didn’t mishear the film’s title as “furry”. It’s still a great gift, and look at that face! Adorable. We bet Fury star Brad Pitt has this one at home."


* COA: Pop Store of London.

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: film-crew items
coa issued by: Prop Store of London (190)
original (189)  |  replica (1)
celebrity: Brad Pitt (113)
original (92)  |  replica (21)
movie: Fury (2014)
original (35)  |  replica (2)
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