Heavy Metal, Captain Sternn Animation Cel

original production material

The Heavy Metal movie featured a series of short vignettes, in varying animation styles with a 70s metal soundtrack, very loosely based on stories from the long running adult illustrated fantasy magazine of the same name. I don't generally collect animation cels, but I do have a couple of nice production cels from this film.


Based on a character by Bernie Wrightson, Captain Sternn is a cocky pseudo-military space pilot and interplanetary pirate who always has an angle. This closeup shot of his smug mug is from the courtroom scene at his trial for various crimes against sapient life.


From Gallery Lainzberg.


Although the characters are not from the same storyline, I display the cells of Taarna and Sternn together, with him to her left, casually looking at her with his smirky smile.

item: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: production material
movie: Heavy Metal (1981)
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