Star Trek: Voyager, Capt. Janeway Covert Civilian Wear Costume - from 'Killing Game'

original movie costume

This is a two-piece costume that originally sold through It's A Wrap!.


It is a Captain Janeway costume that seems to have made only one appearance in Star Trek: Voyager during the two-part episode 'Killing Game'.


Janeway and Seven go on a covert mission into the expanded holodeck that is being run by the Hirogen who have taken over the ship.  The crew members, with altered memories, are being hunted as prey and then healed and returned to the holodeck scenarios.  Most of the action takes place in a simulation of Nazi-occupied France.


The pants were apparently re-used in Star Trek: Enterprise according to the second tag with the name Micelle Shaffer.


A Previous owner of this costume had the pants autographed by Kate Mulgrew.


A screen-cap is pictured for reference.


costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
coa issued by: It's a Wrap! (83)
celebrity: Kate Mulgrew (15)
original (12)  |  replica (3)
movie: Star Trek: Voyager (TV) (1995)
original (392)  |  replica (248)
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