Xena: Warrior Princess, Callisto´s Creation sword replica

Master Replicas movie prop weapon

Callisto´s metal sword prop replica forged by the actual Xena prop masters at Pacific Renaissance in New Zealand. It is a limited run to 250 worldwide, probably the rarest Xena metal prop replica around the world. In this case, this sword was auctioned off in 2002 at the Xena Con in California and donations for auction went for Kevin Smith’s family after he passed away. Some of those swords were signed by the Xena cast including Lucy, Renée, Hudson, Ted and others members. Callisto sword is iconic in itself, you can see this sword during all the seasons, so Callisto wasn’t the only character that used this sword style along the tv series. During season 1-4 was used mostly by Callisto played by Hudson Leick. After, in season 5 during the last episodes (Livia, Eve and Motherhood) was used by Virgil played by William Gregory Lee and later, in season 6, was seen in “When Fates collide” used by Julius Caesar played by Karl Urban.

prop: collector:
category: Master Replicas
type: prop weapons
coa issued by: Creation Entertainment (38)
celebrity: Hudson Leick (12)
original (8)  |  replica (4)
movie: Xena: Warrior Princess (TV) (1995)
original (823)  |  replica (146)
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