These call sheets I bought from Ebay are for Call sheet 7 dated Tuesday 11 September 2012 and 2nd Unit Call sheet #4 dated Monday 17 September 2012.
Call sheet 7 is for a Vanaheim fight sequence and features the characters Thor, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun. There are stunts for Vanir villager woman, doubles for Thor, Sif, Fandral, Volstagg, Hogun, riding doubles for Sif, Fandral, Hogun, stoneman on stilts, 8 Vanir villagers, 10 Vanir guards, 30 marauders, 2 mounted marauders, 8 Einherjar guards and 2 mounted Einherjar guards. There is also a crowd which features 40 Vanir villagers, 10 Vanir children, 63 marauders, 4 mounted marauders, 10 SPAC marauders and 10 SPAC Einherjar guards.
2nd Unit call sheet #4 is for a sequence in forest - Vanaheim - Lower level (village) featuring marauders capturing the villagers and features the characters Fandral and Hogun. There are stunts which require doubles for Fandral and Hogun, riding doubles for Fandral, Hogun, 33 marauders, 13 Vanir guards, 8 Vanir villagers, 1 village woman and 2 mounted marauders. There is a crowd which features 20 Vanir villagers, 10 SPAC marauders, 10 Vanir children and 1 Boar handler. They also require 1 horse for Fandral, 1 horse for Hogun, horses for marauders and 1 Boar.