Fury, Brad Pitt (Don \'Wardaddy\' Collier) Death Costume.

original movie costume

\"Ideals are peaceful. History is violent\"



Brad Pitt - S/Sgt Don \'Wardaddy\' Collier

Shia LaBeouf - T/5 Boyd \'Bible\' Swan

Logan Lerman - Pfc Norman Ellison

Michael Peña - Cpl Trini \'Gordo\' Garcia

Jon Bernthal - Pfc Grady \'Coonass\' Travis


  Released on October 17th, 2014, \'FURY\' is a World War 2 movie written and directed for the screen by David Ayer. With a production budget of $68-80 million, the film would gross $211 million worldwide with positive reviews.


  Portraying the dangers US Tank Crews faced during the war, Ayer was influenced to make the movie after hearing stories from veterans within his family and reading books, such as Belton Y. Cooper\'s \"Death Traps\". Incidentally, the last stand of the crew of the disabled FURY appears to be based on an anecdote from this book:

  A lone tanker was \"in his tank on a road junction\" when a \"German Infantry unit approached, apparently not spotting the tank in the darkness\". This unnamed tanker is described to have ricocheted shells into the enemy forces, fired all of his machine gun ammunition, and thrown grenades to kill German soldiers climbing onto the tank. Cooper concluded: \"When our infantry arrived the next day, they found the brave young tanker still alive in his tank. The entire surrounding area was littered with German dead and wounded.\"


  Production for the movie began in early September, 2013 in Hertfordshire, England and finished November 13th.

  Prior to shooting, Ayer required his actors to undergo a gruelling four-month preperation which included a week-long boot camp run by the Navy SEAL\'s.


  Ten working M4 Sherman tanks were used. The tank used to portray \'FURY\' was played by an M4A2 Sherman named RON/HARRY (T224875) and was lent to the production by \'The Bovington Tank Museum\'.

  As well as lending the Sherman\'s, \'The Tank Museum\' would also loan the legenday \'Tiger 131\' tank: the last surviving operational Tiger I in the world. 

  It was the first time since the 1950 film \'They Were Not Divided\' that a real Tiger tank, rather than a prop version, had been used on a film set.


  This is Brad Pitt\'s Screen-Matched HERO Don \'Wardaddy\' Collier’s bloody uniform that can be seen prominently after Wardaddy is mortally wounded while he and his crew hold off a company of SS troopers at a crossroads during the films action-packed climax.


  The costume consists of a green wool BDU shirt featuring chevrons and unit patches stitched on both arms as well as blood stains around the collar and torso.

  Interestingly, the shirt has also been matched to publicity stills of Pitt\'s character via the unique stitching of the patches.


  The cotton and wool lined brown Tanker jacket features a production tag which reads \"Hero Stage 3\" and features a large production-made tear in the left sleeve with a bandage wrapped across the opening (from when Boyd \'Bible\' Swan (Shia LaBeouf) tends to his commander\'s bullet wound. A number of bullet entrance and exit holes are also strewn across the torso, coupled with bloody SFX wound appliances which can be seen through holes in the fabric.


  The pair of heavily bloodied leather Tanker gloves are tagged \"Hero Stage ¾,\" and include the initials \"B.P.\" hand-written inside the left glove.


  A pair of green wool Tanker trousers with belt and thick green winter socks complete the ensemble.


  The uniform is heavily production stained with SFX blood but remains in a good distressed condition.

costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Brad Pitt (113)
original (92)  |  replica (21)
movie: Fury (2014)
original (35)  |  replica (2)
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