Popeye, Bluto's Sweater

original movie costume

This sweater was worn by the character Bluto portrayed by actor Paul L. Smith in the 1980 Disney/Paramount production of Popeye. The heavy cable knit blue sweater with red and black striped sleeves was custom made for the film. There were multiples made for Mr. Smith due to the amount of stunt work that was filmed in the water with Robin Williams. This sweater has numerous holes and tears from wear during filming. The costumers tag is taped inside the garment with BLUTO written in blue ink. Also attached is the costumers tag which lists the entire costume and TOUR III.
costume: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: costumes/wardrobe
celebrity: Paul L Smith (2)
movie: Popeye (1980)
original (9)  |  replica (1)
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