The Chumscrubber, Billy's Dog Tags

original movie prop

This item was used in the movie "The Chumscrubber" in 2005. Billy was played by Justin Chatwin in the movie. This prop is a silver dog tag with the following witting on it: David Allen, McKendrick, DOB 2-10-85, and SSN 609-09-35555.
You can see this item during most of the movie because Billy wears his dog tags until almost the end of the movie. Billy wears these dog tags constantly because his dream is to get into the Air Force after high school, but his dream is shattered at the end of the movie when he loses his 20/20 eye sight. The dog tags can last be seen in the movie when Dean Stifle (Jamie Bell) goes to deliver drugs to Billy and his friends. Dean realizes that his younger brother took the drugs out of his bag and replaced them with Veggie Force foods. Billy gets mad over the whole situation so he starts a fight with Dean, but during the fight Dean rips off Billy's dog tags and hides them someplace where Billy cannot get to them. The fight is soon broken up by the police who arrest Dean for starting the fight, while Billy and his crew vacate the area quickly. This item was originally purchased through an Ebay auction and the COA is through Premiere Props. "Meet Generation Rx!"
prop: collector:
category: original / screen-used
type: movie props
coa issued by: Premiere Props (2219)
original (2217)  |  replica (2)
celebrity: Justin Chatwin (6)
movie: The Chumscrubber (2005)
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