Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark, Belloqs Headpiece with Swarovski Rock Crystals (Andyana Jones)

replica movie prop

Finally, my Darthinvictus Nazi-Headpiece got some crystal eyes. I used some clear Swarovski crystals. The idea behind that was, the nazis could have used some genuine rock crystals from austria. I think they turned out great and gives it a new idea in this beautiful invented prop. One side comes with inscription, the other side is blank. This was made after the one who Sallah mentioned in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Belloqs headpiece was created after the burning on Toht's hand. This one had only inscriptions on one side...(because he touched the headpiece and the letters from this side are burned into his they got one side of the inscriptions and didn't know that there were some letters on the other side too. So they created that headpiece without the second side and didn't know that they had to remove one kadaam. So their staff was too long and they were diggin on the wrong place for the ark.) This Headpiece is totally invented and was only mentioned in the movie by Sallah. You never see this one on the screen. So, it never was an existing piece nor prop. I guess Indy Magnoli did it first and he came up with the idea of the Svastika on it and a catalogue number. But in fact in the movie itself there were two existing headpieces. The one on the chain from Marion. And the one from the Map room with a slot on the bottom for the attchment on the staff itself. Andyana Jones

prop: collector:
category: other replicas
type: movie props
celebrity: Paul Freeman (18)
original (2)  |  replica (16)
movie: Indiana Jones And The Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)
original (94)  |  replica (442)
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